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Church Hymns | alhan.org |
2 | Church Hymns And Videos | tasbeha.org |
3 | Church Hymns And Liturgys | copticnet.com |
4 | Daily Readings | CopticChurch.net |
5 | Coptic Orthodox Bookstore | orthodoxbookstore.org |
6 | Pope Twadros The II Website | copticpope.org |
7 | International Coptic Church Directory | nihov.org |
8 | Coptic Wave | copticwave.org |
9 | St. John The Beloved Monastery PA. | patmosmonasteryusa.org |
10 | El Maqar Of New Jersey | elmaqar.org |
11 | Coptic Resources | copticorthodoxy.com |
12 | Rakoty Coptic Radio | Rakoty.net |
13 | Youth Bishopric | http://youthbishopric.com |